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    國際時尚視覺藝術家:高丰 Jefi Kao 老師領軍,丰王爺國際時尚導師團隊正式成立!


    Led by the international fashion visual artist Jefi Kao, the Feng Wang Ye International Fashion Mentorship Team is officially established!




    In this rapidly changing era, we are dedicated to helping women achieve comprehensive confidence and growth in image, physique, and mindset. Our team not only serves women worldwide but also provides specialized training courses for supermodels and beauty pageant contestants, empowering them to showcase their best on stage.


    時尚造型定位:由高丰 Jefi Kao 老師親自指導,以他國際視覺藝術大師的時尚專業背景與時尚造詣,從彩妝、髮型、服裝整體設計塑造國際化風格造型,打造國際時尚名片讓學員獲得國際知名度,引領潮流煥發女性內在的自信,讓每位學員在人生舞台上閃耀光芒。


    Fashion Styling and Positioning: Personally guided by Jefi Kao, with his expertise as an international visual art master and fashion authority, this program crafts a global style through comprehensive makeup, hair, and wardrobe design. By creating a unique international fashion profile, it empowers students to gain global recognition, leading trends and inspiring inner confidence in women. This enables every participant to shine brightly on the stage of life.


    氣韻形象美學國際選美冠軍導師:侯昀妡 Katie 老師專注於個人形象風格氣質定位、形象魅力姿態訓練,幫助學員整體形象氣質打造與個人魅力表現力展示,以專業的指導使她們能夠找到自我風格的本源魅力,能夠在社交與生活中鏡頭中展現自己最美的樣子,幫學員任意場合皆是C位的魅力綻放。


    Aesthetic Image Mastery: International pageant champion coach Katie Hou focuses on personal image, style, and charisma development. She trains students in poise, grace, and magnetic presence, helping them build an authentic and captivating persona. Through expert guidance, Katie enables them to uncover the core of their unique charm, empowering them to shine in social, everyday, and on-camera settings, making them the center of attention in any scenario.


    女性全方位成長國家高級心理諮詢師:黃毓琳 Lin 老師專注於女性外在優雅,內在智慧的全方位培養,幫助女性內心力量的發掘與自我內心探索,幫助學員釋放內心壓力,增強心靈韌性,幫助學員優雅儀態的提升和口才表達的能力,實現真正的自我接納和自我提升,勇敢的表達自我,從而獲得內在的神秘力量。


    Holistic Growth for Women: National Senior Psychological Consultant Lin Huang focuses on cultivating women’s external elegance and internal wisdom. She aids in unlocking inner strength and self-discovery, helping students release internal pressures, build mental resilience, and enhance poise and eloquence. Through her guidance, students achieve true self-acceptance and growth, gaining the courage to express themselves authentically and drawing from a profound inner power.




    The Feng Wang Ye International Fashion Mentorship Team is not only about imparting skills and knowledge but serves as a supportive system that guides women toward self-enhancement and the creation of a new lifestyle. Whether in everyday life or on the grand stages of beauty pageants and supermodel competitions, our training programs empower women to showcase their most confident selves across all domains. We believe that when a woman shines from within, she not only transforms herself but also influences the world around her. This is our mission and the founding purpose of our team. We invite you to join this fashion movement, where together, we’ll embrace a stronger, more confident self and step into a brilliant future!

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