  • 世界郵票上的中國文化-限量珍藏郵冊
  • 世界郵票上的中國文化-限量珍藏郵冊
  • 世界郵票上的中國文化-限量珍藏郵冊
  • 世界郵票上的中國文化-限量珍藏郵冊
  • 世界郵票上的中國文化-限量珍藏郵冊
  • 世界郵票上的中國文化-限量珍藏郵冊
  • 世界郵票上的中國文化-限量珍藏郵冊
  • 世界郵票上的中國文化-限量珍藏郵冊
  • 世界郵票上的中國文化-限量珍藏郵冊
  • 世界郵票上的中國文化-限量珍藏郵冊


首先祝賀 高丰 老師入選 「致敬改革開放45用年經聯合國中文日」世界郵票珍藏冊全球發行系列活動,並被提名為「中歐文化大使」 候選人。

First of all, congratulations to Mr. Jefi Kao for being selected for the “Commemorating the 45th Anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening-up, United Nations Chinese Language Day” World Stamp Collection Album Global Release Series event and being nominated as a candidate for the “China-Europe Cultural Ambassador”.


The collection of stamps is meticulously designed by a seasoned team, featuring an international deluxe large format. The primary colors are gold and red, which lend a regal and opulent feel to the collection. The cover is personalized, emphasizing its authority, uniqueness, and cultural value.


French stamps: France is not only one of the five permanent members of the United Nations but also the headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), a UN subsidiary, which was established on November 16, 1945. France is also the capital of world art and the palace of Western art. Therefore, having your artwork printed on publicly issued French stamps is the most powerful compliment to Chinese art from the West.


2、比利時郵票:比利時是世界上工業最發達的地區之一,同時比利時誕生的名人也對世界有著深遠影響。著名影星奧黛麗。赫本:薩克折的發明者阿道夫.薩克斯:漫西家皮埃爾。 庫利福德,藍精靈的創作者;漫西家喬治 •勒米,《丁丁歷險記》的創作者。

Belgian stamps: Belgium is one of the most industrially developed regions in the world, and famous figures born in Belgium have had a profound impact on the world. Notable celebrities include actress Audrey Hepburn; Adolphe Sax, the inventor of the saxophone; cartoonist Pierre Culliford, the creator of the Smurfs; and cartoonist Georges Remi, the creator of “The Adventures of Tintin”.  


3、德國郵票:德國是位於中歐的聯邦議會共和制國家,在創新領域排名第一,德國更是高度發發達的工業國,經濟總量位居歐洲首位。不僅誕生了無產階級的精神領袖、 馬克思主義創始人馬克恩和恩格斯,而且是共產主義思潮的誕生地。

German stamps: Germany is a federal parliamentary republic located in Central Europe, ranking first in the field of innovation. It is a highly developed industrial country with the largest economy in Europe. Germany is not only the birthplace of the spiritual leaders of the proletariat, such as the founders of Marxism, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, but also the birthplace of communist ideology.


4、 奧地利郵票:奧地利是聯合國四個官方駐地的國家之一。奧地利維也納也是歐洲古典音樂的搖籃,歷史上產生了眾多名揚世界的音樂家:海頓、英扎特、舒伯特、約翰•施特勞斯,還有出生德國但長期在奧地利生活的貝多芬等。

Austrian stamps: Austria is one of the four official headquarters countries of the United Nations. Vienna, Austria, is also the cradle of European classical music, producing numerous world-renowned musicians throughout history, such as Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Johann Strauss, as well as Beethoven, who was born in Germany but spent a long time living in Austria.  


🔘 2023.世界郵票珍藏冊:中國、法國、比利時、德國、奧地利全球聯合發售,限量 200 本。

2023 World Stamp Collection Album: China, France, Belgium, Germany, and Austria jointly released worldwide, limited to 200 copies.


🔘 歐洲集郵協會.官方認證

European Philatelic Association: Officially Certified

🔘 聯合國非物質文化遺產基金會.官方認證

United Nations Intangible Cultural Heritage Foundation: Officially Certified

🔘 全球官方售價:428.00  USD美元  /  408.00  EUR歐元  /  2980  CNY人民幣  /  13756  TWD台幣
